Update of Engarde 10
If you have not already installed Engarde 10, do not do an upgrade but an installation.
The Engarde 10 update consists of two parts: updating applications and updating data files.
To update applications, you must do the following:
1) Download the update on https://www.engarde-escrime.com
2) Unzip the archive and place the applications in “SystemeEngarde10”. Applications do not replace previous ones because their names contain the version number.
3) Launch the Engarde10.xx.exe application that was in the archive to update the data files and to create the “Old-applications” directory if it does not already exist 4) Move the old applications to the “Old-applications” directory. Move also the Engarde9.71 and DiapoEngarde9.71 applications to the “Old-applications” directory.
If necessary, you can reuse an old version by moving it from the “Old-applications” directory to the “SystemeEngarde10” directory. From with version 10.01, you can run an old application in the "Oldapplications" directory.
You can remove the very old applications from the “Old-applications” directory.
Data files are updated automatically. When you run the Engarde10.xx.exe application, if this application is up to date, if you are connected to the Internet and there are files to update, Engarde10.xx.exe downloads them from the server and installs them. Updated files are shown in a window. You can stop the download using the Stop button. In this case, it will be continued during the next launch of the Engarde10.xx.exe application.
When a file is updated (example: textes_eng.txt), the old version is preserved by adding a "~" to its extension (example: textes_eng.~txt).
Information about the updates made is stored in the Resources1\update.txt file
To redo all updates of the data files, simply delete this file
To prevent data file updates, open this file, delete its contents, and put “no” instead (without the quotation marks).