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Tables (Fencers,Teams and Referees)

The Fencers, Teams, Referees, Club, State, Country windows contain a table in their main panel. Tables are made up of entities (fencers, referees, clubs, etc) or information about a competition (parameters, formula, etc.).


They contain all the details about these entities. They do not allow the user to enter or modify the entities directly, but the entity can be selected from the table, and the menu or the buttons can be used to edit or create new entities.

Engarde  Software

Actions on the table


Changing the display


It is possible to modify the column widths of the tables and define the order of the columns: - to change the width of a column, place the mouse cursor at the right of the cell and move the right hand to the end of the cell, - to change the order of the columns, drag the column title (from the centre of the title) to the required position.


The column order in a table is the one used for data entry. When a bar-code reader is used the fields must be placed in the order that the fields are being read, for example name, first name, licence.


Changing a row by a double click

A double click on a row means "edit" the entity on that row.

Engarde  Software

Above : result of a double click on a fencer

Changes of the entities contained in the tables, details are saved when the modal window is closed or when you go to the previous or next row using the buttons.


Editing the selected entity


You can enter a new entity, change the selected entity or delete it with the following buttons:

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Managing presence

The list of the fencers, teams and referees windows can be ordered, the person details can be edited, and the presence can be marked with the following buttons:



The last button offers a menu with additionnal options.

Entities order

The table can be ordered according several orders. The buttons propose alphabetical order, structured order(by affiliation) and l'order by number of the fencer.


The last button offers a menu with additionnal options.

Multiple selection


You can select several entities(several rows) with a mouse to apply an action like "delete" or "present" or "absent" with the corresponding buttons.

Engarde  Software
Engarde  Software



The file menu enables importing or exporting files. It is possible to export the table of fencers, teams and referees in text files. It is also possible to import such files. These commands are available through the "File" button. The files are made with lines containing fields that are separated by ";". The first line contains the name of the fields. This format is called csv.


When importing a text file the content is loaded in the memory. To add this data to the table, the commands of the "memory" button should be used. The file menu can include other elements dealing with reading or writing of files according to the current table.

Engarde  Software
  • Import all: copy all the fencers, teams or referees from the memory to the competition



With the "Memory" menu you can load fencers, teams and referees from files and add some of them to the competition.


  • Load: to load a file in the memory (you can add several files in the memory)

  • Empty: to empty the memory

  • Available: to know the amount of fencers, teams or referees in the memory

  • Import one: copy a fencer, a team or a referee from the memory in the competition

  • Import range: a window appears that allow choosing the entities to import



The Entry menu adds functions on tables:

  • Find : find an entity in the table from a part of its name.

  • Column 1 fixed : fix (or unfix) the column 1. When column 1 is fixed, it does not disappear when scrolling the table horizontally

  • Other functions specific to the fencers, the teams and the referees are more described in the documentation about the entity




The "Report" button displays a window to generate the documents. In this window, you can prepare the documents of the listes to be printed: fencers, teams, referees.




The EngardeSmart menu is used to send data from the table to the EngardeSmart service.

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