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Installation of Engarde on MacOs with Wine

In this document we describe a solution to make Engarde 10 run on a Mac.


This solution rely on the Wine software which is an Open Source and free software application.


There are other solutions, like virtualization that enable to run Windows on a Mac. If you already work with such a solution, you should do the standard installation as described on the Engarde website.



The solution here has been tested on MacOs X El Capitan, with a Macbook from 2009. We cannot ensure that it works with previous system or older computers.

1 – Wine setup on MacOS

For practical reasons, we use the WineBottler package to setup Wine on MacOS.
The website to download the package can be found at the following address:

Engarde  run on a Mac

We recommend clicking on the stable version

Once the file has been downloaded you can launch it.

You have to install Wine to run Engarde.

In the window below you just have to installer Wine, by drag it and drop it in « Applications ».

Engarde  run on a Mac

Then open your « Applications » folder, and click on the Wine icon.

Engarde  run on a Mac

When Wine has been started you can access its menu with the icon

Then use the Wine File Manager from the menu to see the Windows directories managed by Wine.

Engarde  run on a Mac
Engarde  run on a Mac

2 Engarde Setup

2.1 Engarde package setup.

Engarde  run on a Mac

Go to the Engarde website:

Click on the « Install » button

Then download Engarde 10

Engarde  run on a Mac

You get an archive file:
Unzip this archive file (usually the program to unzip is automatically launched when you double
click on the archive)
You get an “Engarde10” directory.

In your user home directory, look for the « Wine Files » folder
Expand the folder so that you can see drive_c/users/Public/


There you should put the Engarde 10 directory

Engarde  run on a Mac

Launch Wine if it is not running already
Launch the File Manager of Wine (File Manager).
Check that the Engarde 10 directory is there.

Engarde  run on a Mac

Open the repository and launch Engarde 10.YYY.exe where YYY is the version number.

Engarde  run on a Mac
Engarde  run on a Mac

Engarde starts. You have to accept the license and choose your language
Engarde runs in mini mode.
To switch it to Pro or Basic mode you have to install the license.

2.2 Installing the license.

To install your license, use the menu « Keys / Install a key » from the main menu of Engarde

Engarde  run on a Mac

A new window « Installation of a key »appears, and ask for a client identifier and the purchase code of the key.

The identifier and code has been given to you with your license delivery.

Please make sure you are connected to the Internet during license installation.

Engarde  run on a Mac
Engarde  run on a Mac

Engarde 10 is then fully operational.

You can back up your key to restore it in case you need to reinstall your system for example.

To back up , copy the file “Engare10/Ressources1/Cles/mykey.cle (where mykey is the code of your key) in a safe location. In case of the Engarde directory is deleted, you will just have to install Engarde folder again and to put back this file in the same location to restore your license.

Then Engarde invite you to switch to the Pro mode.

Use the menu Mode / Set Pro mode as shown below:

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