Discover Engarde
Engarde, the heart of your connected competitions.
An immediate entry of the results for a real time information: by connecting Engarde to the piste apparatuses or by entry with EngardeSmart
An efficient display that enables transmitting visually the information using DiapoEngarde and ShowPiste
A smatphone application Engarde Smart that gives to everybody a custom information, their next match, piste, time and opponent
Key features
Management of competition formulae, individual competitions, teams and mixed teams, wheelchair competitions.
Management of participants.
Automatic creation of poules, direct view of poules and résults.
Automatic creation of tableaux, direct view of all the tableaux.
Advanced management of referees, automatic allocation with adjustable parameters.
Communication with the pistes apparatuses.
Collecting results from Engarde Smart entries.
Publishing results on the Internet and Engarde Smart.
Overview of the competition
At every moment you are aware of the progress of the competition, poules and tableaux.
You can edit by a single clic to enter the result :
Performance and efficiency
Tabs based ergonomics
Move quickly from a window to another.
Display only the windows you need :
Integrated search function
Find quickly the matches of a fencer or a referee from the first three letters of her name :