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How to connect Skouting Video Replay with a Score Machine

  • Connection Cable


To connect the 422 usb device to the score machine it is necessary to have a special connection DB9 with a male and female cable.  


  • Male connection: Cable A pin 3 and Cable B pin 4

  • Female connection: Cable A pin 4 and Cable B pin 3

  • USB Driver Installation Windows


Driver Installation You need to have administrator privileges to install any new drivers under Windows.To install the driver or update the configuration, please log onto Windows as "Administrator" or ask your system administrator to install the USB-COM driver.

To obtain the driver of this device, please click on the following link:


Includes the following version of the Windows operating system: Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 10, Windows 11, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows server 2012 R2

Please proceed with the following steps to install the driver:


  1. Insert and save the driver of the device in the CD-ROOM.

  2. Click “Extract” to start the installation.


   3. Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully and click "I Agree".

  • Check the installation


You can now verify the installation has been completed successfully by looking under “Device Manager of the System Properties screen”.


  • Click on the Windows button and type "Device Manager" and start it.


  • The device should have installed as a "USB Serial Port (COMx)" attached to "USB Serial Converter ".

  • Check the bluetooth port


  1. Click on the “Ports (COM & LPT)”.

  2. Right-click on the “USB Serial” choose the “ properties” option.



Your COM port can be seen in the left upper corner. In this case it is the "COM8"


Change COM Port Properties & COM Port Number


if you require to change the  “COM PORT” you must follow the steps below: 


Please ensure that you do not change the COM Port Number already in use.


  1. Select the "USB Serial Port".

  2. Click “Properties”.

  3. Select "Port Setting" and “Advanced”.


      4, Click the drop arrow on COM Port Number and scroll to the required COM port. Select "OK".


     5. Return to the Device Manager Screen. You will see that the USB Serial Port installation has been changed to the new COM Port Number.


NOTE: “The Bits per second” (BAUD) should always be set at 38400



DIP switch configuration


                    RS422  <--  RS485

         Termination  <--  On

RS485 Echo Off  <--  On

              9600-8n1  -->  SWconfig

NOTE: The bluetooth parani SD1100 can be connected directly only on the Favero score Machine, for the Allstar and Martian score Machine it must be connected by a DB9 cable.

Pairing the bluetooth with the PC

  1. Turn on the PC.

  2. Turn on the bluetooth

  3. Press the pairing button until you see an orange blink on the "Standby" LED (2 seconds approximately).


​    4. Click on the windows button and type "Bluetooth", open the "Bluetooth and other services settings".


   5. Click on "Add Bluetooth or other device.


6, Select "Bluetooth" and search your device. Note, the bluetooth device may appear at the beginning as "Unknown device" but     after a few seconds you will see the real name; also, below the name you will see the tag "Audio".


7, Click on your bluetooth's name and enter the password (5555).


8. Once your bluetooth is paired you can close the window.


Check the bluetooth port

  1. Open the "Bluetooth and other services settings" in windows.


2. On the right panel, click the option "More Bluetooth options".

3. Click on "COM ports".


​Your COM port will be your Bluetooth's "Outgoing" port. In this case it is the "COM7".

Do not press the "Reset" button on the Parani SD1100.

If you have reset the device, get in contact with us for following procedure.

After connecting your pc to your score machine (either by cable or Bluetooth) proceed to initialize the software.



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